
Design for manufacturing
High quality prototyping
High rate manufacturing

Based on our 25+y experience on designing, manufacturing and industrialising composites, we can help you in any phase of the development. We offer you several consultancy, engineering and manufacturing services to support you with our team of composite experts and experienced technology development specialists. Ask us any question, we are here to help you.

© Verkijk

Composite design engineering

We can support you with our specialised composite design engineering
  • Laminate design
  • Material selection
  • 3D CAD
  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Layup optimisation, using Fibersim
  • Tooling design
Services - Design for Manufacturing and Automation alt

Design for Manufacturing and Automation

In composites, there is the golden triangle between Design – Materials – Manufacturing. All three aspects are closely intertwined. In many cases, projects start with a focus on design and materials, but it is crucial to take manufacturing processes and automation into account from the start. Our composite experts can support you with making the right choices, early in the development.

Value Stream Mapping and Cost modelling

We can support you with cost modelling to analyse the impact of different design concepts, materials and production methods, so you can take informed decisions and have the right input for your business case. In many cases we use Value Stream Mapping, to provide clear insides in the process flow, to find bottlenecks and identify opportunities to reduce waste.
Airborne System Integration

Factory optimisation

Composite factories are complex to optimise: there are many process steps, in most cases many different parts, there are time constraints on the outlife of the materials and there is a combination of manual and automated process. We have been through the pains many times ourselves! We can help you with analysis the bottlenecks, improving the processing and identifying opportunities for automation, either with our systems or 3rd party technologies.


A render of a design is nice, but to have the products in your hands is worth more than a 1000 pictures. We have all the facilities and processes in house to make prototypes for you. This can be ad-hoc prototypes during development, or fullblown first articles to validate the design and functionality. Or to impress your customers and investors.
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